Monday, November 9, 2009

It's been awhile

The title kind of explains the main reason why i am doing this again well it doesnt really i am just bored and on a lunch break so instead of joining in with everybody else and posting this in a myspace bullentin i'll just rant and rave here.
Michael Jackson has walked on his last moon and touched his last boy.
I am finished school 13years down the drain.
Given up all hope of bodyboarding again due to being so lazy.
Formal about to take place should have just gone with the willy wonka theme the girls in there spray tans will look like oompa loompas anyways.
Farah Fawcett wins best supporting death.

I have nothing worth really writing or posting here but you will end up reading this and realise that you like me have nothing better to do than supply your time to the internet.

Thats all that has really gone on since we last spoke oh and i have turned 18 and now apparently i am an adult and need to work troy kneeves doesnt work why should i he lives the life and what i have to slave on a building yard.

Oh and gossip girl is actually a pretty good show ...except when poverty stricken year 10 port high girls try and copy it ...putrid cunts.