Monday, November 9, 2009

It's been awhile

The title kind of explains the main reason why i am doing this again well it doesnt really i am just bored and on a lunch break so instead of joining in with everybody else and posting this in a myspace bullentin i'll just rant and rave here.
Michael Jackson has walked on his last moon and touched his last boy.
I am finished school 13years down the drain.
Given up all hope of bodyboarding again due to being so lazy.
Formal about to take place should have just gone with the willy wonka theme the girls in there spray tans will look like oompa loompas anyways.
Farah Fawcett wins best supporting death.

I have nothing worth really writing or posting here but you will end up reading this and realise that you like me have nothing better to do than supply your time to the internet.

Thats all that has really gone on since we last spoke oh and i have turned 18 and now apparently i am an adult and need to work troy kneeves doesnt work why should i he lives the life and what i have to slave on a building yard.

Oh and gossip girl is actually a pretty good show ...except when poverty stricken year 10 port high girls try and copy it ...putrid cunts.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


due to this recent flat spell not that i surf that much anyways , and with this heat wave getting shit hot . the call was made to journey to a serect spot lets just call this spot middle earth to take a rock jump that was feared by many after taking on the beast that it was. a distant headland called after a climb up the walls of doom through the valley of the lost we discovered the nesting place of the birdman. lucky for us the birdman was out probally on a kill so we had to take advantage of being in dangerous situation such as that a throw ourselves deep into the waters . we all mad a pact in blood to keep this place a serect and hope that the birdman will never know of are tresspassing ways.
so maybe one day they will tell our story maybe they wont but all involved know that we made history that august day and will now have something semi-decent to tell our grand kids or atleast whoever we can stop and make listen to us.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

do you think

that going out and getting drunk makes you cool and then thinking that by posting stuff about it on the net will make you more acceptable honestly .
drinking isnt that radical everyone does it , sure if you go shoot up feel free to post all about your trip over the net it will provide a good laugh.and also putting quotes from the night are not funny just putting it out there because well no one gets them and chances are the two crusiers you drank did not make you drunk they just made you looked like you fit in so then you have an excuse to act loud and annoying and to have sex which you will later "regret".
if only you people would just learn that you are not cool.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

down to the crunch

school is coming to a close.
we will soon see the suicide rates in teenagers double kinda similar to the time mr.kurt cobain decided to re decorate his walls.and everyone thought it would be cool to follow.
we smelt a different sort of teen spirit that day.
so with everyone hitting the books harder than chris brown hit rhianna there will probally be not much weekend action going on with everyone "growing up" and getting thier study on.
the thoughts of what to do after our release date are growing but i have my mind firmly set on starting a clothing range aimed at the bodyboarding industry
hopefully it will drop by the end of the year.
if it fails we will see mourning very similar to princess di's death.
and thinking that maybe conforming would have been the go we will have to wait and see wont we.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

under the roof

there is a new member to the gang and he seems to be holding shit down pretty well.

his name is charlie and not named after charlie holt despite the slight remsemblance

he keeps the boys on thier toes when they come over and try and get up in his grill
photo thanks to brodie putting his new camera to good use.

Friday, July 31, 2009


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Friday, July 24, 2009


been watching a fair bit of basketball lately and those guys are pretty fucking bullshit at what they do. biggest hellcats out really .
dont believe me follow this link and see the best of the nba 08/09

enjoy .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

killing it

there is no killing it going on just really bored .. like really really bored . everybody is away at state and from reports having fun and im stuck in shit pmac and its cold and just full blown fucked .
although i have two season's of miami ink to keep me company but watching it makes you keen to get tattooed up which is a possibilty , in the near future.
except no chance of getting a stamp of shame otherwise known as a southern cross tattoo's are ment to be an individual thing and having something that everybody else has isnt very individual in saying that i have friends with it tattooed on them and it comes down to personal choice but in my opinon they are wrong and misleading having 5 meaningless stars on your body doesnt make you more australian what is australian pride anyway walking around with the flag on your shoulders chanting aussie aussie aussie doesnt make you australian it makes you look like a dick who should put a shirt on and learn a song with more words get rid of your stupid bogan mentality that because your "Aussie pride" makes you better than people who werent born here or havent got an australian background you have to be kidding yourself the number one bogan food is a kebab and the came from lebanon and turkey so you claim to hate these people but yet you will eat there food and try to drive them out of "your" country with out them you wouldnt have your kebab's you dicks!
and your foul mouth bogan girlfriends who lap with you in your cars and think they are killing it and that its cool for them to say words like "cunt" and "ya fucking dog" need to wake up to themselfs take themselfs back to the supre store they love so much buy one of those shit material belts and hang yourself or even better smash one of your gay little crusier bottles over your own heads to whack some sense in to yourself so next time your at a party you wont pretend to be "drunk" when everybody is watching but then be complety normal when mummy comes when the curfew is over you are not wanted here ! except the fact you have no future and go west far far west .
fuck the free world!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


this weekend has been that good two bullshit parties and good surf pretty rare for all of those things to come together in port haha

loose night on sat night for ashleys party good times, then ended up chilling at the mecure till like 3 haha was good

then last night possibly the best night in a long time so so good!
and then tonight have another one on good times :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

shit weather 101

port has once again been hit with shit weather and is creating so much boredom , picked up a pretty big case of cabin fever pretty keen to get entourage season 5 to see out the rest of the storm or practice my robby gray reverse rolls on my bed while stingy lindy packs my juice bottle bong to the rim and we hit that shit raw dog then invite a desmond over to tap that on the floor smack that !

or go looking for this
its not going to happen anywhere near port though unless gordo's artifical reef at pilots comes about ha!


thrid blog today probally a bit steep but kat von d it had to be done the only one who can break my vice of fake blonde girls everybody has there poison


it seems that alot of desomnd people are emerging and starting to take themselfs rather seriously which is so so so funny take this loser for example

check it out possibly the funniest thing out at the moment

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


thought starting a blog would be a good time killer.
i already had one but forgot the password etc..
not the greatest day for it though .
due to Andrew Turnham's funeral he will be missed by everybody and should be thanked for what he put back into the sport with his films and in showcasing much of the talent in port.

hopefully the next post will be on a better note :)